A movie that might make you laugh and might make you cry! If you are looking for your favorite line from the movie we have a list of our favorite Wonder Woman Quotes that Movie Myla helped gather during reviewing the movie! Be sure to also check out our Wonder Woman Review! Chances are you have seen the movie and we would love to hear what YOUR favorite quote is…so be sure to comment below! (Be sure to check out the awesome and creative Wonder Woman merchandise. Our direct affiliate link to Zazzle Wonder Woman items!
<h2>Wonder Woman Quotes</h2>
“Fighting doesn’t make you a hero.”- Hippolyta to Diana (Wonder Woman)
“War is nothing to hope for.”- Hippolyta
“Harder. You are stronger than this, Diana.”- Antiope
“Wow.”- Steve Trevor on first seeing Diana
“You’re a man.”- Diana
“Yea, I mean, don’t I look like one?”- Steve
“The time has come. You must. . .”- Antiope to Diana
“What?”- Diana
“Godkiller. . . “- Antiope about the sword that can kill Ares, god of war
“War? What war?”- Diana
“THE war. The war to end all wars.”- Steve
“Men are easily corrupted.”- Hippolyta
“But you are not an Amazon like the rest of us.”- Hippolyta to Diana
“Would you say that you are a typical example of your sex?”- Diana
“I would say I’m above average.” – Steve
“It is our sacred duty to defend the world.”- Diana
“Nice outfit.”- Steve to Diana
“Be careful in the world of men, Diana. They don’t deserve you.”- Hippolyta
“You have been my greatest love. Today you are my greatest sorrow.”- Hippolyta to Diana
“I’m the man that can.”- Diana
“My mother sculpted me from clay and brought me to life by Zeus.”- Diana
“Well, that’s neat.”- Steve
“I’ve got it. And if it’s what I think, it’s going to be terrible.”- Doctor Poison
“Welcome to jolly, ole’ England.”- Steve
“It’s hideous.”- Diana
“Yea, it’s not for everybody.”- Steve

Photo: Warner Bros.
“A deal is a promise and a promise is unbreakable.”- Diana
“What do these women wear into battle?”- Diana on the fashion of the day
“A baby. . . “- Diana distracted by an infant
“No babies. That one isn’t made out of clay.”- Steve
“You got to put the sword down, Diana.”- Steve
“It doesn’t go with the outfit.”- Etta
“Prince. Diana Prince.”- Steve giving Diana her surname
“You mean you were lying?”- Diana
“I’m a spy, that’s what I do!”- Steve
“Oh my goodness gracious, that’s a work of art.”- Sameer after seeing Diana
“You fight without honor.”- Diana
“Who gets paid for honor?”- Charlie
“You should be very proud.”- Diana to ice cream vendor
“We can’t save everyone in this war.”- Steve
“Everyone’s fighting their own battles, Diana. Just as you are fighting yours.”- Sameer
“How likely is she to respect my wishes?”- Sir Patrick Morgan
“Not very likely. I’ll be honest.”- Etta
“As magnificent as you are, you are still no match for me.”- Ares
Wonder Woman is NOW playing in theaters everywhere!
Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior. Raised on a sheltered island paradise, when an American pilot crashes on their shores and tells of a massive conflict raging in the outside world, Diana leaves her home, convinced she can stop the threat. Fighting alongside man in a war to end all wars, Diana will discover her full powers…and her true destiny.
Angie says
Favourite quote from wonder woman
Goes along the lines of
“I dont believe you get what you deserve.You get what you believe, and i believe in love” wonder woman
Enza Ketcham says
That is a GREAT LINE!!!
Kanyopelota says
I was looking for that quote everywhere, thanks.
Crystal says
Its about what you believe and i believe in love only love will truly save the world Wonder Woman
Dreama says
what quote does ares say implying that Zeus is her father ive been looking for it