Image Credit: IMDB Profile Image
For those who haven’t had a chance to watch the trailer of “The Odd Life of Timothy Green”, you will want to hurry up and watch it! Disney created an amazing movie where they took the magic of family and grew it into something touching and heartwarming! Timothy Green is played by Cameron ‘CJ’ Adams who also starred in Dan in Real Life (Steve Carrell & Dane Cook). These movies were both movies directed by Peter Hedges.
I totally fell in love with Timothy Green (& the movie)! Adams did such an amazing job playing the part that I always believed he was Timothy Green! My very first reaction when seeing the movie was, “If I ever had a boy, I want him to be just like Timothy Green!”! The most sweetest, caring, and positive little boy character I have seen. Director, Peter Hedges, nailed this movie and it was perfect!!! I can not wait to see this movie over and over again. Even Timothy’s imperfections were perfect!
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The Odd Life of Timothy Green is heartwarming and amazing! A MUST SEE family summer movie! @OddLifeMovie
The Odd Life of Timothy Green comes out in theaters on August 15th! Be sure to Like and Follow it!
Follow @oddlifemovie