Let me start off by saying that you will need to get multiple of these! Not because they’re poorly made (because they’re not!), but because ALL of your children will want them. My four range in age from 2 to 8, and they have been, um, “debating” who gets to use it next. They all love how soft and cuddly the blanket portion is, and have lots of fun playing with the puppet! The blanket is a good size, and big enough for even my 8 year old to use.
I found them online at https://www.cuddleuppets.com/, and it looks like they are priced comparable to those pillows thatIcan’tnamebuteverykidhas. I like the Cuddleuppet better actually, because it’s more functional with the attached blanket. My 4 year old loved taking it for naptime at preschool. They’re even machine washable, which with kids, that’s always a good thing! There are 6 different animals to choose from, so each kid can have their own! My two year old calls them the “CuddleLilMuppets”.
I had Shanna give the Cuddleuppet Bear Blanket to test out since her kids range for all ranges. My 2 (turns 3 on 6/9) LOVES IT! She thinks it is a towel. BUT she cuddles with her Purple Monkey each night! Our night time routine includes my husband and I playing with the Cuddleuppet and tickling her like crazy.