Myla Tosatto
Inferno is the third novel by Dan Brown to be adapted to screen by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks. It is the best one and easily the most visually striking one as well. Inferno is also filled with some fun lines and we created a list of Inferno Movie Quotes for you to also check out! Florence, Venice and Istanbul should pay Howard to make travel movies for them. Come to think of it, the American Librarian Association should also subsidize a film about the importance of knowledge and reading (Dante, in particular in this case). This movie made me realize that though I know much about Dante’s Inferno, I have never actually read the Divine Comedy. In case you haven’t either, the poem is very graphic in describing the layers of Hell. Howard uses these descriptions literally in the dream sequences that Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) experiences. The images are straight out of a horror movie. They are nightmare inducing illusions. For that reason, I would suggest not bringing children to this movie. Even though it is PG-13, at times it is very graphic and plays like a straight up chiller. Also, there were two gruesome deaths that happen which will make sleep hard to attain for awhile. Keep the kiddies at home, folks.
Tom Hanks, as always, is game and affable as Robert Langdon. He doesn’t care what comes at him or who is shooting at him as long as he can solve a puzzle. He is joined by Sienna Brooks (Felicity Jones) as the doctor who saves him who happens to be deft with a puzzle, too. The movie is gripping from the start and you are right back in 2009 where we left him in Angels and Demons with Langdon (luckily with better hair this time!) as he races to be the smartest person trying to foil the plot to destroy humanity.
Don’t worry, folks. There are no levels of Hell here. Just a fun night at the cinema. My only complaint is that when Tom Hanks fell into the water, I was disappointed that Daryl Hannah didn’t save him. Can you get to work on that movie, Mr. Howard? We are clamoring (see what I did there?) for THAT sequel! #splash
Academy Award® winner Ron Howard returns to direct the latest bestseller in Dan Brown’s (Da Vinci Code) billion-dollar Robert Langdon series, Inferno, which finds the famous symbologist (again played by Tom Hanks) on a trail of clues tied to the great Dante himself. When Langdon wakes up in an Italian hospital with amnesia, he teams up with Sienna Brooks (Felicity Jones), a doctor he hopes will help him recover his memories. Together, they race across Europe and against the clock to stop a madman from unleashing a global virus that would wipe out half of the world’s population.