Teleflora Flowers make the perfect gift for anyone on your list. We love the Teleflora’s Snowy Dreams bouquet. Each year Teleflora comes out with a line of Christmas bouquets that are perfect for the Holidays. They always come with a super cute vase of some sort that you can reuse each Holiday.
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The Snowy Dreams bouquet comes in a super cute metal pot decorated with a merry snowman that can be reused for utensils or even filled with more flowers. It comes with roses, red carnations and holiday greens nestled among glittered ornaments and white snow-tipped pinecones. I actually refilled mine with more flowers after these died because I love having fresh flowers in the house!
I plan to reuse mine with our Christmas Utensils on for our Christmas meals! Their different arrangements use items like an oven safe dish, metal pot, an ornament container, a mug, or a glass cube! The arrangements get freshly made by one of your local florists!
Be sure to check out the UPDATED Holiday Gift Guide Items this year for 2018!

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