If you are stumbling across this post it is probably because you have seen The Star Movie, impressed on the amazing cast, and looking for your favorite “THE STAR movie quotes”. We had a lot of favorite lines from the film. We would love to hear your favorite line. Continue to add any lines we left off as comments below so we can continue our list of quotes!
The Star Movie Quotes
“Don’t think I don’t see you little me?” –Mary (Gina Rodriguez)
“Nothing is impossible without God.” –Narrator
“Guys, Guys…your’ not going to believe this.” –Abby the Mouse (Kristin Chenoweth)
“I think a new star appeared in the sky. That star means something and I am not going to be here forever.” – Old donkey (Kris Kristofferson)
“I can carry two grapes, one in each talon thank you very much!” – Dave (Keegan-Michael Key)
“I get where you are coming from but it’s the royal caravan not the retirement caravan.” –Dave
“I am going to be really honest . I am really upset right now. I am going to find someone to poop on.” – Dave
“You look beautiful.” –Joseph (Zachary Levi)
“So do you…..uh handsome.” –Mary (Gina Rodriguez)
“I know it feels like we are just going in circle.” –Bo (Steven Yeun)
“We are.” –Old Donkey
“Sorry! Sorry! I am a really nice guy!” –Bo
“Wait! Are they eating Chicken?! Ladies, RUN!” -Dave
“If I am going to help you, you’re going to have to let me.” –Mary
“You don’t know, he had crazy in his eyes.” –Dave
“It’s a birthday party.” –Tracy
“Have you ever shook a box of rocks they sound crazy.” –Felix (Tracy Morgan)
“These gifts aren’t for you. They are for the new king.” -Camels
“Deborah…are you okay? How many hooves am I holding up? – Felix
“I am not ready to be a new mom. Then I realized the angel was talking to Mary.” –Abby the Mouse
“Most donkeys have to work! She is spoiling you.” –Joseph
“You know gates were never a problem until I met you.” –Dave
Thadius, do you think I am bad at being bad”- Rufus (Gabriel Iglesias)
“You got it, Bo. Just don’t’ look down.” –Ruth
“Have you ever been to Bethlehem before?” –Ruth
“Sheeps are usually better at following but I will do my best.” –Ruth
“Yeah did you see him crumple that flower?” –Felix
“Dogs are my 4th favorite animal.” –Ruth
“We have personal issues? Dave, I think you are a delight.” Ruth
“Do you guys like frankincense? I never know what to get.” – Wiseman
THE STAR is now playing in theaters! Enjoy our movie review too!
Misty says
I have not seen this movie yet but love to take my Nieces. It looks like a good family friendly movie that everyone could enjoy.