Joker Review – Joker is NOW playing in theaters!
By Myla Tosatto
Every superhero eventually gets their day at the cineplex when they get to see their origin story told on the big screen. Why shouldn’t the supervillians? Todd Phillips, writer and director (along with writing from Scott Silver) of Joker, makes the argument that they should. Have you ever wondered how Joker became a crazed lunatic? Have you ever thought why green hair, Mr. J.? Why the white face and red mouth? Do you ask yourself how he became such a dapper dresser? Well, head to the movie theater this weekend to find out the answer to some or all of these questions.
The movie grapples with what makes the Joker – THE JOKER. Is it nurture, nature, genetics, mental illness, or is it society? The audience isn’t left with an easy answer. It could be one or could be all. We just know that Joker is a broken man before Batman even enters the fray.
Joaquin Phoenix plays the titular role*. He plays the imperfect role perfectly. He has the crazed laughter down pat. You hear the laughter but you don’t hear the mirth. You believe his Arthur Fleck is struggling with his inner clown demons. This isn’t the playful Joker of yesteryear.
I haven’t checked out the Target toy aisles yet but I assume there isn’t a line of Joker merchandise for this movie. There probably isn’t an official Lego set or a plush toy to coincide with this movie. There’s a reason for that. Kids shouldn’t see this movie. I cannot stress this enough. It is a super disturbing movie that will leave you feeling unsettled. Which I assume is the point.
*There have been some great portrayals of Batman’s baddie: Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill, and of course, Heath Ledger. Please let us know in the comments how Joaquin Phoenix stacks up to these immortal Jokers.