Home Decorators Collection has a GREAT sale going on with Martha Stewart Living items!!! I found this cute that is ONLY $50 and found a way to get the price down to ONLY $33.84..PLUS if you are new to ShopAtHome.com you could get ANOTHER $5 Sign Up Cash Back offer!
1. Click the Blue Shop Now button from Home Decorators ShopAtHome.com coupon page.
2. Purchase the Martha Stewart 9-Cute Organizer by searching their site.
-$5 Place in Cart and price drops
– $9 with code 7096025A
– $2.16 Cash Back
Total: $33.84 (if you are new to ShopAtHome.com you might get an additional $5 cash back).
You can also find the Storage bins and they end up being at about $5 each. This would be super cute in a kids room or toy room. You might even like this to store some of your stockpile toiletries!
(I found this coupon code from MyPoints.com. Since this code isn’t listed on the ShopAtHome.com coupon page I can’t guarantee that you will get the $2.16 cash back. I personally, have never had a problem with getting my cash back. It will just depend on the merchant.)
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