Disclaimer: Yes, I was provided an expense paid trip to attend this junket in Miami, but ALL opinions and experiences are mine and mine only! Nothing SCARY about it…this movie was SPOOKTACULAR! 🙂
Hotel Transylvania 2 – A press junket for my 6 year old!
It isn’t very often I pull my daughter from school to go on a trip! I am a teacher and I really value the importance of having great attendance and staying in school. BUT when an email hits my inbox that sharing with me that I was invited WITH my daughter to attend a press trip and interview for Hotel Transylvania 2 in Miami there was no way I was saying, “NO”! My family always comes first and what an amazing way to have my daughter learn what I do when I attend press trips, how to interview, and how to act professional. Plus, we really needed that “Mommy & Me” trip. We have had a tough year and she is getting older and beginning to understand what is going on and this was a special treat for her!
I love having her be my little movie buddy too! We have gone to a lot of movies together, while dad stays home with the baby. This was the first one where I had to sit and explain to her how with cartoons they are just the voices behind the characters. She is already starting to figure out the characters are people in costumes and cartoons are real people talking and singing. I am still holding on to our Elf on the Shelf as long as possible ;)!
For this Hotel Transylvania 2 press trip, she couldn’t stop talking about it for two weeks. Daddy created a countdown for her to hang on her door in her room to cross off each day prior to the leaving! I had no clue how she would act during this trip since sometimes she cries that she misses her sister and dad when we just leave the house to go to the store for an hour. SHE DID AMAZING!

That sweet little blog man shared his jacket with my girl and that sweet little girl behind my daughter become her bestie!
When we first got there I told her she had to take a nap. She had been done taking naps in her life for several years, but I wanted to make sure that she was well rested for our late movie and making friends! Right after her nap, we met up for dinner in the BEAUTIFUL hotel’s restaurant with some friends. At that moment SHE never left the other kids’ sides! She even had a friend stay with us in the hotel room because they didn’t want to leave each other! It was adorable!
Elissa and I both LOVED the movie! You will have to check out our FULL review tomorrow!
After we watched the movie, we went to a character breakfast the next morning, and then Elissa and I stayed ONE extra night in Miami! I promised her some beach time and I am glad I did! We were out for about 45 minutes and then a Miami thunderstorm hit us. It had cleared up in the evening and we spent about 30 minutes in the pool before another thunderstorm hit. That next morning we woke up early and actually got 2 more hours of beach and pool time before having to fly out! I KNOW that trip, making friends, loving the movie, interviewing Selena Gomez, and going the beach with mommy are all memories that she will have for the rest of her life! I love this girl! <3

We told the kids if they were all good at the movie we would go to the beach at night! We did and used all our cell phones for flashlights! 🙂
As for missing school, we got all caught up, she is learning lots, and now for the first time she can understand what her mommy does when she leaves and goes on press trips! I am not sure I am ever going to want to leave her behind again! SHE DID SO GOOD!!!
Watch the Hotel Transylvania 2 Trailer BELOW!
In theaters September 25, 2015! Order TICKETS TODAY!
Drac’s pack is back for an all-new monster comedy adventure in Sony Pictures Animation’s Hotel Transylvania 2! Everything seems to be changing for the better at Hotel Transylvania… Dracula’s rigid monster-only hotel policy has finally relaxed, opening up its doors to human guests. But behind closed coffins, Drac is worried that his adorable half-human, half-vampire grandson, Dennis, isn’t showing signs of being a vampire. So while Mavis is busy visiting her human in-laws with Johnny – and in for a major cultural shock of her own – “Vampa” Drac enlists his friends Frank, Murray, Wayne and Griffin to put Dennis through a “monster-in-training” boot camp. But little do they know that Drac’s grumpy and very old, old, old school dad Vlad is about to pay a family visit to the hotel. And when Vlad finds out that his great-grandson is not a pure blood – and humans are now welcome at Hotel Transylvania – things are going to get batty!