We have ONE last Hatchimal to give away to a lucky reader! We are so excited that we were able to gift and send TWO of them prior to Christmas! This is our last Hatchimal Giveaway for the year! We still have one more! I know the feeling of your kids wanting something for the Holiday and not able to get it for them…or NOT want to buy them it (a dog…my girl asked for a dog…we have TWO!)!
So please be sure to ENTER this giveaway before it ends! You must be in the US and 18 or older to enter!
Also check out our FREE letter to santa HERE if your Hatchimal isn’t going to quite make it to your house by the Holiday!
Debbie Cary says
I think they are so stinkin’ cute! The kids love them and so do I.
Jackie says
I think they are really cute. Would love one for my niece.
Thank you!
Audrey Stewart says
I really don’t understand how it works, but the kids all want one.
Mary Jacobowitz says
I think they are really cute.
elizabeth miller says
Honestly, I think the way they hatch is crazy but once they get past hatching, I think they are really just another version of a furby. Regardless, it is what the kids want unfortunately. I do think they are cute though.
Charlene S. says
I like the concept of the toy and the surprise of seeing what hatches.
Toni Polly says
I’m not sure what it does but son turns 6 in January and I would love to win it for him.
Tosha Ince says
Hatchimals look cute but I really think they are a little on the pricey side!
Diane Mason says
I had to finally give up my search for a Hatchimal. Hping to win and send it to great-grandson.
DailyWoman (Lacey) says
I think they are cute and my son would love one.
Cindy Mick says
The hottest thing right now, would have loved to get one for my 4 year old, but they never make it to the shelves here.. Thanks for the chance!
Angela Hendricks says
I think Hatchimals are adorable!
Christina Beyer-Fink says
As a single mother who can’t afford Christmas despite busting my butt at work 40+ hours a week… Thank you for the chance at this! It’s all y daughter to wants!
charlene elswick says
I think they are adorable and I would be the best aunt in the world if I were to win
Marya Mann says
I think they’re right down my daughters alley but way overpriced. Lol. I think I’d love to win one for her since it’s ll she wants!!!!
Stephanie Bodine says
I Think They are adorable. My 4yr old daughter really wanted one.
Melissa Hoffman says
The furbys are better
Joe Stimac says
it’s a cute fad
karen spicer says
THey are so cute and original!
Kristi Westling says
I think they are adorable, and would love to gift my grandson with one. Thank you for the chance.
Suzanne W. says
These are so cute! Both of my kids want one. Thank you for the chance and merry Christmas.
Amber Cheras says
I think the Hatchimals are so cool!! My niece would have so much fun!!
Dan Penrod says
Not sure what to think about them. They look neat.
shirley says
I think they are really cute, and hard to find!
Wendy Forbes says
I think they are really cute and fun, but overpriced.
Tina walsh says
I would love to win one for my granddaughter thank you and merry Christmas ??
Susan Chester says
I think these are really cute.I like the element of surprise when they hatch.
Katie says
I think they’re overpriced
Mindy S says
I think that they are super cute and a fun gift that the entire family would love to watch hatch.
Heather K says
I think they look cute and fun. My daughter likes my old Furbies so I’m sure she would like this.
Melissa B. says
I think they’re cute and interesting.
Melissa Campbell says
Cute, think their a novelty, but will keep the kids occupied for a little while.
julie matek says
I think Hatchimals are so awesome and fun! My daughter would love one:)
Leigh Borders says
I think these are seriously very cool! My daughter wants one of these but I found no such luck at getting one for her this holiday season.
Traci smith says
They remind me of furby which were cute but I want to see it hatch!
Heather C says
They’re neat, my kid would love one!
Hargow Wong says
I think they are fun and interesting.
Kasey James says
The hatchimal is a really neat toy that looks like you have to be patient for it to hatch!
Jessica Branch says
I think they are cute although I do wonder if they get annoying like the Furby did I got as a kid lol. But sure my boys would love it thanks for the chance
Veronica Buryk says
I think they are super cute
Evans B says
They are really cute, clever toy invention. My girl’s so hooked watching them on youtube!
Sonia B says
They are cute but I wouldn’t pay more than the original price.
Kathleen Southern says
I think the Hatchimals are cute but too expensive for quite a lot of parents
Traci smith says
Think they are furby with a new design
melisha Kenney says
Hatchimals are sooooo cute!
Cat Iles says
I think they are so cute and my daughter loves them!
cindy caudle says
I think they are cute It is too bad they ran short and people started selling them at a high price.
Lesley F says
They are cute but super hard to find
Kristi Westling says
I think they are adorable!!
Jennifer Rote says
I think they are so cute!
Penelope Costanzo says
I think that Hatchinals are really cute. I love that you have to interact with them to get them to hatch. My son wanted one so bad but it just wasn’t in our budget. Thanjs for the chance to win one.
Amy Deeter says
i think they are real cute. i just learned about them last month
Adrienne Gordon says
I think they are fun for kids.
Peter G says
Really different and cute. Lots of people were buying them and waiting in lines. Waiting for the colors that I like before I get one.
Danielle Wood says
Hatchimals are the hottest toy of the year and so hard to find. They are cute and I think it’s a pretty awesome idea
Christie says
I think they are really cute and gives kids imagination.
harolde says
They are awesome, except I wish they weren’t so hard to find.
susan smoaks says
i think that the hatchimals are really cool. i would love to win this for our daughter. she really would love it.
Ann Fantom says
I think my niece would get a huge kick out of watch the Hatchimal hatch out of it’s shell
Laurajj says
Oh I think these are so adorable and would be so fun for the kids!!
angela cunningham says
I think they are really cute
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
I think they’re cute, but think it’s crazy how much people have been paying for them!
Leah says
I think they are great because it would be really fun for my daughter to play with. She would love one!
Christy Leonard says
Hatchimals are so adorable! My daughter wants one so bad. Im just as excited as her to own one.
Emily Morelli says
It sounds like a cute and fun surprise for my daughter’s upcoming birthday.
Stephanie Liske says
i think my daughter would love them
Kristi C says
I think they are cute but could not see paying the price some people were asking.
Shannon Baas says
They are cute but seems like people are having problems with them.
katie collins says
I like them. would love to win
Am says
Looks so cool
Uyen S says
My 7 yr old daughter would love to have one to love!!
christina moore says
I think they are cute, my granddaughter would love to have one
Amanda Ruzich says
I think its a really neat toy!
Nicole R says
My daughter got one for Christmas and absolutely loves it! It hatched within 2 hours and she plays with it multiple times a day. Now my 3 year old son wants one.
Ronda Patrick says
They are super cute! We tried to get one, no such luck so this would be great!!!
Robin Y says
I think they are cute and my daughter would love one
Cheryl Burns says
really cute idea for the kids so sweet
Kathy C says
I think they’re really cute but I’ve been hearing bad things lately about them not hatching.
Celena Metzger says
I think they are adorable! Definitely something I would’ve wanted as a child.
Nicole Shaffer says
They are super cute and seem like a fun interactive toy, my twins would love it!
Jeff Rothrock says
kinda cool .overated for being so popular
lori clark says
so cute! I know several kids who would love to have this!
Carol stoike says
I think someone came up with a cute idea. I wish it was me!
Carla W says
I am excited to see what all the rave is about. I am sure my great nephew or grandsons would be very happy if I was to win them one.
Jenni says
Hatch animals are so cute and fun for kids! I would love to get one for my preschool class!
MARY says
I didn’t even know what they were till a month ago. Tickle me Elmo!
Ellen B says
from what I have seen they are cute and my granddaughter would love one
jessica marinaccio says
my girls have been obessing over them i bought 3 of them but have 4 girls UGHHH
Holly Robertson says
Not sure what to think about the furby in a shell but my daughter wants one.
Tammy Horn says
I think they are cute. Remind of the Furby.
Marilyn Nawara says
I think they are super cute — my granddaughter wanted one for Christmas but I wasn’t able to find one for her.
Debbi Wellenstein says
Hatchimals are adorable, and I know my little granddaughter would love one!
Jennifer McGaha says
Hatchimals are like the new Furry of 2016! I had a few of those when I was a kid and would love to share the same curiosity I had with my niece ♡
Michelle S. says
They are the “in toy” that we can’t get enough of.
Donna Bouton says
I think they are a great idea! So cute and obviously a hit!
Diane Potts says
My granddaughter loves these.
Bryce V says
They are an interesting phenomenon taking the world by storm!
Susan Campbell says
I don’t know much about them, but my 5 yr old granddaughter is obsessed!!!
Heather B says
My kids want one. Thanks!
Tom says
Cool, if you’re a little kid
Elizabeth brooks says
My kids love them. They watch them hatch on you tube. I am sad i cant afford them being a single mom. Lol
Leah Brown says
My niece would love this since we couldn’t find her any this Christmas.
Monique Rizzo says
I think they are overrated, but my niece is still dying for one!!
Thank you for the giveaway. Happy New Year!
patricia skinner says
I think Hatchimals are interesting. My granddaughter would love one.
Chrissy M Mcpherson says
My daughter has been obsessed since the first time she laid eyes on them. I have to admit they are pretty cool looking and the concept of it being in the egg is really neat.
Sara Mott says
I haven’t seen them yet but my kids want one….they love them
Debbie Long says
The hatchimals are pretty cool. My daughter received a Draggle for Christmas from Santa. I would love to win a Hatchimal for my best friend and her two boys.
jenni webb says
Truthfully I think there over rated but the kiddos birthday is comin up so…
Kim O says
i think they are cool. my nephew has been wanting one
Becky Cole says
They are interesting fo sure! Kinda reminds me of the Furby craze years ago!
Polly Hall says
They are so cutie if I were to win one I would have a hard time giving it away to my niece.
Niki Johnson says
Super cute but not in my budget. Hoping they’ll go down before Easter.
CarolP says
A lesson in patience, creating excitement, waiting for the adorable Hatchimal to appear!
Diane L says
I think they are very cute, and I know a little girl who would love to own one!
Susan Smith says
I think they are cute. My niece would would love one.
Crystal says
If you can tear your eyes away from the Hatchimal – watch the eyes of the child who is wowed by it – says it all!!
sandra garibay says
yay i would b the best aunt in the world if i won this thanks for the chance
Sheila V. says
They are so adorable!
Noelle Carroll says
my son wants one so bad, I think they are so super cute!
Debbie Ritenour says
I think they look like a fun toy
heather s says
They are cute and look fun
Donna Smith says
cute idea.
Coleen M. says
They were definitely “the” toy to give for Christmas. The animals that “hatch” are adorable.
Susan D says
I’m not sold, but that doesn’t matter because the grandkids still want one!
Trent Zinser says
I know my niece really wants one
Heather G says
My little girls would love one!
Nancy says
I have no idea why they’re this year’s “hot gift.”
Amy W. says
The more I see videos of them, the more I like them.
Paula says
I think they look really cute – & so popular with the kids.
Gal Colleen says
I’ve never seen them but the concept is somewhat cute
Nancy Loring says
I Like Hatchimals. I think that they are good for kids. They teach them a little about responsibility and they are not violent which I see too much in kids toys.
kim French says
My Madison is crazy about these and I couldn’t find one at it’s original price this Christmas. I could be a hero and make her the happiest girl in the world.
Beth Lackey says
SO cute but I hear they take a lot of time to hatch. Customer service got bombarded by complaints after Christmas. But after it hatches you do end up with a super cute toy.
michelle h says
them seem fun my son wanted one for Christmas but I couldn’t find one for him
Karen W says
If I get one I hope it works.
Kathleen says
I think they are really neat looking and my daughter would just love one. I tried to find one before Christmas and has no luck.
kport207 at gmail dot com
Tammy Taylor says
It’s kinda neat. I don’t know a whole lot about the toy but my niece thinks it’s the best toy ever.
allison says
I am not sure yet. I am sure that my daughter would love it though an thanks so much for the chances to win.
Samantha seal says
I honestly don’t know. I think it is a toy some kids will love, however some kids will get tired of the waiting. It’s a 50-50 chance.
Eric Sanders says
Teresa L Stebbins says
These are the toy of the year! Would love to have one to give to my great niece!
Pam Caulfield says
All I know is that we were out shopping Black Friday and every store we went to, we needed to try and find Hatchimals. We were getting calls from other mothers who were also looking for them.
Bonnie Wilks says
They are really cute and I think our nephew Kaden will like it if I win.
LynneMarie says
I think they are interesting and I’d like to see how they work.
Jennifer B. says
They are really neat but super hard to find.
kandi says
All the kids seem to want one and they look cute but don’t know much more than that
Leslie Carcaise says
I think they are great and kids love them!
Danielle says
I would love this for my granddaughter. They are the cutest looking things ever
Kim Gloss says
I don’t know much about these other than my 8 year old granddaughter has been begging for one since before Christmas. I would love to win one for her!
Diana Foster says
I think they are cute, but too expensive. Would be great to win one!
Wendy Johnson says
cute toys
Christi E says
I think they are a little overrated, but I know a little girl who is obsessed and this would make her day!
Rania R says
My kids want one so badly and it was sold out. So I love it because they love it.
Philip Lawrence says
I like them since they remind me of the Cabbage Patch Kids when I was younger that made you feel part of the family with your new toy.
Jamie Stanley says
I think they are cute but have had bad reviews.
Valerie L says
I don’t know, they seems cute but I saw an article saying the parents and kids were disappointed.
Brooke Allen says
This is what my boy wanted for Christmas. I wasn’t about to spend $180 on one though, so for his gift, we gave him a note saying that we will get him one when the price goes back down to normal.
Stephanie Barron says
I think the Hatchimals are cute but are overpriced
Renee Walters says
I think they are really cute. My son begged for one for Christmas, but there weren’t any available.
Deborah Cochran says
I love Hatchimals! I think what I love most is you never know which one will hatch. Love magical surprises <3
Nancy Schneider says
I think my son would love one!
Carolyn Reilly says
I think it’s the hot item of the year! Could not get one.
Terri Ingham-Bollin says
They are cute but overrated.
Brenda Robinson says
i think they are unique!
Cheryl Everitt says
I think it is an amazing concept. My grands will go crazy!
Sue Brandes says
I think they are adorable.
Kristen says
They are so cute!
Rosanne says
I know that they are the latest hit.
brenda boone says
too good to be true
Michelle leffler says
Love these so much fun for kids of all ages!
Joyce Harrell says
I think they are cute and fun
Rachel Freer says
I think they are cute. My youngest has been asking for one.
gloria says
I tried so hard to get one for my granddaughter one for Christmas and would love to win one. I think they are cute.
christina p says
My niece wants one so bad!
Francine Anchondo says
I think they are cute
Saundra Bowers says
I think they are neat that they hatch and interact. I do not, however, like the fact that people have sold them for so much and taken advantage of parents who`s children really wanted these for a gift. Hold on, they will be available and your child will learn a lesson by waiting.
Kelli A. says
I think they are cute, cuddly, and fun. I have always been an animal fan.
Kim J says
I think they are cute!
Shannon says
I think they are a super cute idea! I just couldn’t imagine spending that much on one.
Barbara Fox says
I’ve never even seen one, but my granddaughter wants one badly!
Michelle Olms says
I think Hatchimals are cute.
Ellie Wright says
I think they’re cute! I think they’re hard to find and my granddaughter really wants one.
Gabrielle Clarke says
I think they are sooooooooooooooooo cute!
Pam H says
Hatchimals are cool
Andrea Long says
I think they’re super cute!
Judith Carlow says
Love these! My granddaughter wants one so bad !
LanG says
I think they are awesome. My little girl wants one very badly.
Sonya M. says
I would love to the receive one for my granddaughter.
Alissa B says
I think they are very odd, but my daughter seems to really want one!
Christie L says
I wanted to get one for my daughter but they were all sold out. They look so cute and I love that they hatch out of their shell
Erik says
I would love to experience the amazement of owning a Hatchimal!
Susan Biddle says
I think Hatchimals are totally adorable and a unique idea for a toy!
Dorothea Collington says
Not seeing what all the buzz is about , but their cute little Hacthimals – it’s for my granddaughter or niece .
Robin says
I like how cute they are and am looking forward to seeing one hatch.
aaron reck says
I like them. I think it’s neat and great if that’s what someone wants to do. I know the kids in my family wanted one.
Susan Taylor says
Cute but pricey
rhonda miotke says
I look like so much fun and so cute!
Cheryl Johnson says
My Sophia would love. love, love this
Lorrie Mandanici says
Most adorable thing ever!!!
Denise Sachs says
I think they’re a really cute and fun idea.
Danielle Day says
Its cute
Allie Elmer says
I think my son would like them
Kyndal Smith says
I think they are adorable and unique! My daughters both are freaking out for one lol.
Kristina Mc says
They look cute!!
Laurie Emerson says
I think they are adorable. It was what my daughter wanted for Christmas.
Heather Thomson says
They remind me of Furbys. I love Furbys, had one when I was a kid. I would loved of have one of these for my kids. Too cute.
Dawn Kaestner says
Teaching kids patience is a fabulous idea. My grandson could use this trait:)
Colleen Coulombe says
I think they are cute and my daughter would love one!
shawna says
They are cute and look like fun.
annette campbell says
I think they are pretty interesting. I would love to see one hatch and see what it does!
Esther S says
I think the Hatchimals are cute but way overpriced. Despite that, my son would love to have one.
Tammie Venne says
I havent seen one in person but they look really cool from what I have seen online
Richard Hicks says
I think it is one of the most unique toys in years
I think they look weird, but the kids love them.
Frankie Felder says
Happy Winnings!