I have found tons of cute ways to display my meal plans but I think it would be helpful if I had some meals to add to those cute displays, right? Now is the perfect time to get eMeals! Christmas is over, kids are back in school and everything is in full swing, so let eMeals plan your meals and your grocery list!! Head over to Groupon and you’ll get an entire year’s worth of meal plans and grocery lists from eMeals for up to 65% off! You will receive grocery lists, and meals plans catered to your family’s diet and favorite grocery stores for dinner, lunch and breakfast! Here are your pricing options:
- $29 for 12 months of weekly online dinner plans (a $58 value)
- $39 for 12 months of weekly online lunch and dinner plans (a $106 value)
- $49 for 12 months of weekly online breakfast, lunch, and dinner plans (a $142 value)
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