Many have reported that when they SIGN up for this freebie that Gerber also sends them a $15.95 Gerber check which means FREE formula! Don’t want the formula, DONATE IT! This stuff is expensive! I had to supplement with my daughter when she was born because she was in NICU so it was always good to have!!! ONLY need to submit the first two pages! NO CREDIT INFORMATION!
1. Click the banner directly below these steps!
2. Fill out ONLY the first 2 pages (this will give you a quote of what their insurance costs) AND you will get sent a FREE Child Safety ID Card! This is where you store stuff like photos, finger prints, and important information in case of an emergency!!! VERY important to have now a days!
3. You do NOT need to give your financial information unless you decide you want insurance. I have also heard from readers that they will send you Gerber coupons too! Woot Woot!
(Thanks, The Daily Goodie Bag)