When it comes to working two jobs, traveling a lot, and dealing with a lot of stress finding time and money to give is tough. You don’t need to be Christian to believe in doing good things for other people. It is so much easier to find an excuse of why we can’t give then it is to just volunteer. I learned a lot when volunteering as a family and making cards for our veterans. This post is sponsored but this story is our true experience.
Life is so hard. Being a mom is so hard. Working and finding time to do good things and have extra money to give rather then spend on the bills you owe is so hard. Raising kids is so hard.
I am going to give you advice, but I am not an expert. I am not an expert in parenting, I am not an expert in the military, and I am not an expert in creating projects. I am just an ordinary mom with lots of stress who is working two jobs and knows she is blessed in everything she has in life. I know and I understand life is tough.
We are in this world together! We are raising your kids and my kids together. I can’t avoid the negativity in the world as much as try. What we can do is create our own positive experiences and positive thoughts. I might not know how to explain to my kids that doing good is a great thing, but I can show them by example. You can also show my kids too!
Today, we had to have a conversation with my kids about how we do everything in this world for them and to protect them. So when it came to today’s Family Volunteer Day it only made sense that we thanked those who do not know us but volunteered their lives to protect us. They know and they understand that we are in this world together and life is hard. Today we spent some time to say thank you to our troops and veterans!
If money is tight and you are already feeling the stress and pressure of the Holidays, then you don’t need a ton of money to spend some time volunteering. You need time! You don’t need a babysitter to have time because you want and should include your family in spending time to volunteer! I learned quite a bit in today’s Family Volunteer Day.
You don’t need money to volunteer. I learned that doing good things for our Veterans and saying “Thank You” is one of many projects that is easy to do and doesn’t cost any money. I have tons of extra crayons and stickers that we have collected.
Making time to volunteer didn’t affect our lives at all. It is so easy to be selfish with our time. After all, many of us are dedicating 40-60 hours a week trading time to make money so we can spend those other few hours trying to relax. Making time helped us a little bit. It relaxed my wild and sweet girls and it allowed us to disconnect from technology for a little while!
Like I mentioned previously, I am not an expert in parenting. I am not an expert in life. I have learned that our kids are sponges! They are total sponges and they are watching and listening to everything. So even if they thought we were just volunteering for “mommy’s blog” today, when we do this again and drop off our cards to our local VFW, they are going to see how volunteering feels so good because we were able to make others smile and do good things.
There are many volunteer projects that you can start and or do as a family! I want to challenge you to organize something for your family and come back and let me know what you did! I am hoping that if I can inspire just ONE person who read this article to do something good with their family to help others…that I served a purpose. Then I encourage you to share your experience not to get praise from others, but to encourage them to do good!
Next time you think about getting sucked into another Facebook rant and ruining your evening for the next hour…take that hour to start planning the next project for your family!
National Family Volunteer day is November 18th. (It is also my dog’s Rainbow’s birthday and it means new beginnings to us!) Learn more about Family Volunteer Day and find or create some of your own projects!
Reesa says
This is something I need to do with my family. Thank you for the inspiration.
Brandi says
These photos are so adorable. I love to volunteer. It’s definitely important to get kids involved early.
Lois Alter Mark says
I love the idea of Family Volunteer Day! I think it’s so important to teach kids early about the importance of volunteering and helping others.
Alicia Taylor says
I agree that setting an example is the best way to teach children the value of volunteerism and thankfulness. We come from a long line of military and I volunteer for the American Legion.
Karen Eidson says
When my children were growing up, we did a lot of different volunteer projects: we helped on clean up day at a local lake; we filled Christmas stockings for a nursing home; we visited the nursing home once a month and played bingo with the residents, and more. They all learned from these experiences, and felt good about themselves for doing them.
Alecia says
It’s great that you were able to do something together as a family. I find myself making the money excuse too much in my own life. I’m not exactly in a great place but I know there are a lot of people in worse shape
Rebecca Bryant says
What a great event. I enjoy getting involved especially if I can get my family involved with me. It really is a great bonding experience.
Louise says
I had a really bad experience this morning, and I had a rant about it on Facebook. It didn’t make me feel any better (except for it showing that lots of people care about me, which was fab). But I love the idea of changing the negatives to a positive by doing something as a family. So I’m off to prepare dinner and then I’m going to plan a bake off for the kids to do after school. Maybe they can dish their creations out to some of our neighbours. After all, my rant was that when I passed out in the street no one came to see if I was OK, and I’m sure my elderly neighbours don’t get many visitors either. I need to try and change that!!
Louise x
Ashley says
I knew it was Veterans Day, but not Volunteer Day! What a great idea! I’ll definitely have to look for a project for my family.
Monica (NYCTechMommy) says
So great to see the entire family taking part in this! I hope to rally my troops so that we can do something special for others during the holiday season.