HOT HOT HOT POST UPDATE—> Elf on the Shelf Book ONLY $13.69 (reg. $29.95) **LIMITED TIME ONLY**<—Give as Gifts! Even Save for NEXT YEAR!
If you are looking to find out what this Elf on the Shelf tradition consists of, then you have found the right place! This is JUST as much fun for the adults as it is for the kids! Here are some more GREAT ideas for your little Elf:
(Read Part 1 with TONS of Elf Ideas that has gone Viral on Pinterest)
Welcome to PART 2!
(Read Part 3 with MORE Elf Ideas…and meet “Sparkle”)
This little Elf got caught playing on the family iPad! Nothing a little photobooth couldn’t have fun with!

This little Elf went for DRIVE the night before Christmas!
Elf thought he would “HANG” around one night!
READ 27 MORE Elf on the Shelf Ideas by clicking HERE! (Part 1)
Skip to Part 3 of Elf on the Shelf Ideas! –>Elf on the Shelf Ideas! ***Part 3***
HOT HOT HOT POST UPDATE—> Elf on the Shelf Book ONLY $13.69 (reg. $29.95) **LIMITED TIME ONLY**<—Give as Gifts! Even Save for NEXT YEAR!