Have you ever thought of creating your own blog? Starting your own business? Creating a brand that can help you do what you love? If you have, you know that the most essential part to creating these things is a logo. A logo not only helps make you recognizable to others, it tells your audience a lot about you. This post is sponsored.
For those of you who have looked to create a logo of your own, look no further! DesignEVO makes it quick and easy to create a logo that not only represents you, but looks appealing to others!
This website offers over 4000+ professionally designed templates and logo designs. You simply choose the category of the brand you’re creating it for and instantly you have hundreds of awesome designs at your fingertips. They also offer a tutorial on the website for beginners, so you can understand how to make the logo you desire.
DesignEVO’s tutorial shows you everything you need to know about creating your logo! There are over one million icons to search through! Customize the logo with hundreds of text fonts and shapes to choose from. If you don’t see a logo that fits your brand, start from scratch! There is also the option to create a logo that is completely your own design.
I went ahead and tested out the process to see how it would be for the readers. I made the design above for Enza’s Bargains in probably 10 minutes. The site is super straight forward and really easy to navigate. I loved all the options of logos that I could choose from and how they broke them up into categories. I highly recommend using DesignEVO to create a logo of your own. It’s fun and easy and all you have to do is download it when you’re done! Give DesignEVO a try!