I had the opportunity to review the Contours Options LT Tandem Stroller and I loved it! This is my first double stroller and I didn’t know what to think. We took it on vacation with us to the happiest place on earth. My sister warned me that it would be hard to maneuver if it wasn’t a side by side stroller. I ignored her and picked the stroller that interested me the most. I liked this one because we had to accommodate for our 4 year old AND our 5 month old who can’t sit up yet and is still in a carrier car seat. My husband and I both LOVE this stroller and it works great for our newly grown family!

This was our first day using it. The car seat felt secure but I noticed I didn’t push it down to lock it in….so she was leaning forward more than she should have. Check out the basket! It was HUGE!

My daughter was just at the height limit and fit in it great. I love how she can put her feet up in it!

While at the park, my daughter kept trying to talk to me. So I just turned her seat around. Literally takes about 5 seconds to flip the seat around.
- Once we got it out of the box it looked like it would be very confusing to put together. It wasn’t. It was easy snap in and out parts and it didn’t need any tools! Thank goodness!
- It comes with two seats AND a car seat adapter! So for our trip we used the car seat adapter but as soon as we aren’t using a carrier anymore we will snap the other seat in to the stroller.
- The different positions are awesome! I can have both kids facing the same the way forward, they can both face me backwards, or they can face each other! The car seat can only face backwards but I wouldn’t want her to not face me any ways.
- The steering is GREAT! It was REALLY easy to maneuver! It didn’t feel like I had to push it hard unless I was going up hill…but that would be tough with any stroller.
- The basket is HUGE! This was great. We were able to put our camera, our shopping bags, diaper bags and ANYTHING we wanted to put in there. In our other stroller there was never enough room.
- When forward facing my daughter’s feet were out of the way. Our other stroller has her feet dragging and will sometimes hit the wheel and slow us down. This makes me feel good. I like knowing that when I squeeze in a busy elevator she won’t get her feet smashed.
- Light weight.
- Car Seat Adapter felt secure.
- Easy to break down.
- Sturdier than what it appears!
- Snapping the seats and parts are super easy!
- The seat had different recline positions. I actually used the front seat to change the baby’s diaper since I am OCD on germs.
Issues with the stroller: Okay I think this was a fluke and it didn’t prevent us from using the car seat but we we opened up the bars to the adapter a little piece of plastic snapped off of it. I haven’t contacted the company yet, and I was able to use it just fine. The extra piece is $29.99 if I needed to replace it, but I am not going to. It works just fine and she isn’t going to be in the bucket seat for very long since our car seat will expire in August.
Also twice we had our front wheel come off and we had to put it back on. This was when pulling it out of the back of the car. It didn’t bother us at all we just popped it back and and know to be careful that it doesn’t keep getting stuck on stuff as we are transporting it.
I would DEFINITELY recommend this stroller to a friend. My oldest is just at the height limit for the stroller but she didn’t seemed bothered by it at all and I think she can fit it in quite a bit longer.
You can purchase this stroller from Babies R Us or Buy Buy Baby!
Follow Contours at @ContoursBaby or on Contours FB page!
Kristy says
I love this stroller, it looks like it is more compact than most tandem strollers! I also love that you can change the seat positions to face any way! Super nice that it grows with the kids!! Thanks for this review, I am even more convinced this stroller is perfect for my family!
Ericka Chatman says
This stroller seems safe, and maneuverable. Great Review! I was on the fence about purchasing one for my baby niece, but this review helped confirm my decision to get one. Thanks!
Rebekah says
This looks like a fantastic tandem stroller! We had considered getting one but space in the trunk and our kids growing too fast hindered us from deciding to get one. Do you have enough trunk space for other items when packing it? Or is it space consuming in the car?
Enza says
I have a Jeep and I don’t feel like it is much different than the Chicco stroller.