Sponsored: My stay and business expenses were covered by All Star Vacation Homes and Disney while promoting Disney’s Monkey Kingdom and review the wonderful stay at All Star. ALL opinions of this All Star Vacation Homes Review is my own!
If you are looking to take your entire family to Florida, you might want to consider staying at All Star Vacation Homes! I had the opportunity to stay there for a week during my Disney trip for Monkey Kingdom Event. This was my VERY first experience visiting Disney World without staying on the resort and there were MANY clear benefits to staying there! Since, I always want to provide you with honest reviews there are also lots of benefits to staying ON Disney World resorts. It is going to be up to your family to weight those benefits and determine what works best for you!
1. Reason #1: NO cooped up Hotel Room feel! If you have a large family squeezing in one hotel room, just isn’t very enjoyable. If you had a LARGE house with plenty of bathrooms you are going to LOVE Vacation Homes! For our trip we had 6 people staying in our house and we were all singletons, meaning our partners and spouses were not with us. If we had to do a hotel that would mean about 3-6 hotel rooms! That would be a lot, plus we would all end up hanging out in one room by the end of it.

We even had several themed rooms decorated in Disney! Great for the kids!
2. Reason #2: LOCATION! If you are going to stay on a resort like Disney World or Universal Studios…you are limited on where your family is going to spend most of their time in Florida! Florida has SO many things to do and by staying at a resort you can really spend time to explore! You will also save money because you can stock up your kitchen with foods that you would like to eat and save on eating out. Enjoy lunch or dinner by the pool and/or breakfast with a beautiful poolside view before hitting the city!
3. Reason #3: It is AFFORDABLE! You are looking about $159 a night for a 3 bedroom (8 guests) to about $350 for a 5 bedroom (12 guests)! That is much cheaper than staying at hotel, plus you have your own pool…I found one with a private pool for ONLY $189/night. That is worth it! Just imagine just walking right out to the pool and not have to worry about anything!

One week of groceries…for 4 houses! 🙂

It came with enough detergent to do one large load. This might be something you will want to consider packing!
4. Reason #4: Washer and Dryer! This is HUGE for me! The thing I dread MOST about going on vacation is the dirty clothes stacked in my luggage and the laundry loads I have to do once I get home! By doing a load of wash or two BEFORE I left, I folded all of my CLEAN clothes in my packed luggage. When I got home from Vacation I was able to put my clothes RIGHT in our drawers! I only had a couple of dirty jammies that I slept in and it was SO nice. Plus so easy to do laundry since I have to fold them in my luggage anyways.
5. Reason #5: You get to feel like you are living in luxury! I know I have readers who have their own private pools, cleaning and maintenance crew, and each member of their family has their own walk in and CLEAN room and bathroom…but I don’t. I live in a small house with my family. Right now I am the only household income (yep, I am a teacher and this blog helps a little bit), and 4 of us in our house have to share ONE bathroom. Let me tell you how fun that is when you are potty training! Not very much fun at all!
Since this was my first time staying in a vacation home, I can’t compare it to any other companies. I can only compare it to the beautiful hotels and resorts that I have stayed at in the past. If given the choice, I would absolutely stay at a vacation home again and consider invited our extended family like my parents or my inlaws. This would make our week long vacation even more fun. We can take turns with who is in charge of meals and my husband and I could even enjoy our own date night! I hope you enjoyed this All Star Vacation Homes Review!
As many of you know I am a HUGE Disney fan and Disney Resort fan…so I would never knock on staying at a Disney Resort. They each have their own benefits!