Swagbucks is how I payed for my Christmas last year! I saved all my Amazon.com certificates!! If you start today and make at least the $25 a month at Amazon.com you can have some gift cards set aside for your Chrismtas shopping…and Amazon has HOT toy sales right around Christmas…HOT SALES!!!
If you have signed up be sure to be searching each day! Bookmark the page, make it your home page, add the toolbar! Do what you can to remind yourself to keep earning! Don’t forget to follow them on face book! Their wall is GREAT fun!!!!
Today is Mega Swag bucks Friday. That means Swag bucks gives away more bucks than on any other day per search. I started off this morning with 10 points! Yay! Get started with Swag bucks HERE or Learn how to play HERE. I average out at least $25 a month in Amazon giftcards by using it as my search engine and earning easy rewards!