The Dead Don’t Die Review
By Myla Tosatto
Real quick confession here: I do not enjoy zombies. Not even a little bit. Out of all the supernatural baddies, they creep me out the most. I would never watch The Walking Dead or World War Z. Having said this, I LOVED THE DEAD DON’T DIE! Yes, I’m yelling! Jim Jarmusch has done the undoable, made me not just like a zombie movie- but LOVE a zombie movie. I realize that this zany, campy, tongue firmly planted in cheek movie isn’t for everyone, but I went nuts for it!
Cliff (Bill Murray), Ronnie (Adam Driver), and Mindy (Chloë Sevigny)
are local police in the quiet town of Centerville, U.S.A.. It doesn’t take long for the town to become unquiet, or undead if you will. Zombies (Iggy Pop and Carol Kane among them) start popping up and wreaking havoc on the townspeople Zelda (Tilda Swinton), Farmer Miller (Steve Buscemi), Zoe (Selena Gomez), Hank (Danny Glover),Hermit Bob (Tom Waits) and Bobby (Caleb Landry Jones). Will our heroes and brave citizens save the day? Will the racist get taken down? Will politicians stop the polar fracking (yep, it’s a climate change zombie movie!)? Will you ever get Sturgil Simpson’s The Dead Don’t Die song out of your head? Will we all just become zombies? Will the running jokes ever end? These are questions you will have to answer for yourself. SO GO SEE IT!
The movie is rated R for, I assume, zombie gore and salty language (or perhaps salty gore and zombie language). I’m not sure. I would have brought my kid as a middle schooler to it. But he loves a good comedy, zombie, Bill Murray, climate change movie. Don’t we all?
This movie is now playing in theaters?