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AE Dairy milk products help us fill a protein void in our daughters diets. When I was pregnant with our six year old I couldn’t stand the sight, smell or mention of any kind of meat. Grocery shopping was impossible and eventually I had to turn this duty over to the hubby, cooking also became impossible and it got so bad at times that I’d make Steve (the hubby) quickly shower if he cooked meat on the stove or grill and had the scent of it on him. The same thing happened when I got pregnant with our 2 year old, and it extended to garlic (but that’s a story for a different day, Italian nauseous at the smell or taste of garlic can you imagine?!?).
I got my taste for meat back when the girls were born but they still have to be tricked into eating meat. We’ve had to come up with solutions for getting protein to the kids. One way we’ve done this is by adding milk to throughout their days. AE Dairy milk gives a protein boost the normal juices and water don’t. My daughters love all the AE Dairy products but we love the low fat milk to give them a low fat protein boost throughout the days.
In researching how to improve our daughter’s protein input the hubby came across an article that he was a little taken back by, it said that chocolate milk might be the best thing you can do post workout! Ever since reading this Steve throws an “Icy Cold To Go” AE chocolate (or strawberry) flavored milk in his gym bag and he’s loved the results! He believes his muscles recover faster and that his metabolism is kick-started by the milk.
You know you should be drinking more milk. It’s a great way to increase your calcium intake and a fantastic protein boost. Your kids already love milk, and after a workout it can really give your muscles and metabolism a boost!