Disclaimer: Sponsored. I was provided a bouquet for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
Teleflora – Valentine’s Day
I am so excited to have had the opportunity to do a Teleflora Flowers review! Teleflora.com Flowers are SO MUCH BETTER than any last minute gift your hubby will come up with when it’s almost quitting time on the 13th! Valentine’s day falls on a Friday this year, which adds to the pressure on your hubby! Let him off the hook, start dropping hints now and tell him what’s in it for him! Teleflora has an amazing bouquets! He can choose from four beautiful arrangements ranging from $49.99 up to $99.99 and the best part is he can’t go wrong, they’re all gorgeous!
Teleflora offers hand-arranged, hand-designed floral arrangements by local florists delivered directly to customers. Find bouquets for every budget and every expression of love.
Teleflora Flowers Review
We love our bouquets we have received from Teleflora! It looked very similar to the picture on the website! It totally inspired me to clean off the mail that was sitting on the table & now our entire family can enjoy these beautiful flowers! My girls loved them!
There are 4 bouquets this year to pick from and all Valentine’s Flowers start at $34.99! Here are a couple of my favorites!
This was a previous bouquet I received from Teleflora.
tammileetips says
Those are such beautiful flowers that you received!! I love getting flowers they always perk up my week.
JulieK says
We have flowers from Teleflora right now in our living room and I love how they definitely last a long time! Beautiful vase!
Sarah says
Beautiful flowers and vase! I have to have fresh flowers in the house at all times – they make me so happy = )