EXPIRED (updated at 10 CST)
Hurry Quick! When I woke up 6am they said sold out and the offer is back up!!! All you have to do is sign up for plum district HERE and refer 4 friends. Be sure to remind them to confirm their e-mail!!! This deal is HUGE!
- Target GiftCards will be mailed to the address you provide within 10 business days
- Gift cards are subject to all applicable state and federal laws
- Your referrals must be new Plum District users to count towards your ability to earn Plum Rewards
- Your referrals must sign up through your unique invitation for this specific Plum Reward (presented during checkout) to count towards your ability to earn this Plum Reward. Referrals who sign up through other any other referral method — including those who sign up while the Plum Reward opportunity is available — will not count towards your Plum Rewards total.
- To qualify, all of your referrals must sign up through your unique invitation AND confirm their email address before the deal closes
- Limit 1 per person
- Limit 1 per household