I am probably slightly more addicted to online shopping than your average person, if we’re being honest. I know it’s something I should ease up on because we’re saving for a new house but I just can’t help it especially this time of year when everyone’s offering such good deals online, you know? free shipping and gift wrapping get me every time! I use my CLEAR internet at home and at my mom’s during the day to help find coupons for online bargains and I think it’s actually SAVED us money in the long run. Some people think I buy a lot of stuff that I wouldn’t get otherwise but I know better – it’s all things I needed anyway but got online because it’s such a great deal. I think my husband is in disbelief pretty much every time a package gets to our door but come on, he should know by now that this isn’t something that’s a fad, it’s something I’ve totally made into a way of life for me and my family!