My hubby got a super cool gift this Father’s Day that our entire family is enjoying! I teamed up with Teleflora and a couple of days ago arrived a beautiful and manly sponsored Truck Bouquet of flowers!
This set is absolutely beautiful. Teleflora is an online site you can order flowers online and they are actually delivered by a local florist! So if you are trying to find a bouquet for dad either for the house or his office this is the one to get!
The FORD truck serves as a base and becomes a very unique flower arrangement! If you remove the flowers the bed of the Vintage truck is great to hold dad’s cell phone or keys while it sits on his desk!
Flowers for Men from Teleflora
Go to and under occasions click “Father’s Day“. You will love their car bouquets and then if you keep on scrolling they have a really cool gift basket that can be delivered to them! It is called “Take me out to the Ballgame”. Which would go great with a pair of tickets to the game! We are spending our Father’s Day at the Royals game this weekend!
Of course, I LOVED OUR “Vintage Ford Pickup Bouquet” from Teleflora!
Our flowers look just like the picture!
Plus the truck serves a cool function once your flowers have died! Ours are still looking fresh after two days!
Debra says
That truck arrangement is super cute and I love how you used it for keys afterwards!! I never thought of flowers for the men in my life – but now I’m rethinking that!
Marcie W. says
I love the idea of surprising my husband with flowers. He is actually a certified mechanic and now manages a large chain of emission labs, so anything vehicle related is perfect!
Rebecca Swenor says
Teleflora has great gift ideas for everyone. The flowers with the truck is indeed an awesome idea and so is the basket. I will be checking these out for sure. Thanks for sharing the gift ideas.
Dia All The Things I Do says
This is such a great idea. I love the random bouquet trend. I’d like one like that myself.